Archive for January, 2017


Close Encounters of the Telepathic Kind

I’ve read many accounts of UFO sightings where it’s reported “I felt like they were reading my mind” or “They knew I was watching them” or some sort of telepathic communication had occurred between viewee and viewer. 

My own experience a long, long time ago (in the early 1960s) was such a sighting.  If I had seen a UFO without this telepathic element to it, I don’t know if I’d be still thinking about (pretty much daily) over 50 years later.

I’ve written elsewhere on this blog about that sighting but, what the heck, I’ll describe it again:

I must have been around 14.  My mother and I were accustomed to sit outside of summer night in our backyard in Connecticut to enjoy the cool night air and watch the sky.  We knew the flight paths of the airplanes from the New York airports to Boston and Europe. We knew the path of Telstar’s orbit and would watch for it as it passed overhead.  We sat in the sunken garden for hours on a nice night and observed the stars, planets, shooting stars and everything else that occupied the night sky.

I had my own telescope and even belonged to the Junior Astromoners’ Club. I was into it!  And my mother was quite a woman.  She believed in  reincarnation, the power of the mind, had a subscription to FATE magazine and often wondered about the “seen and unseen” mentioned in the Nicene Creed.

One night I noticed a relatively dim light very low in the southeastern horizon.  It appeared to be stationary, but it was a light or star that I did not recall seeing before.  I kept my eyes on it while taking in all that was going on in the sky above me.  It seemed to me that it was moving ever so slightly.  If you looked at it, you couldn’t see movement, yet if you looked away and then looked back several minutes later, it appeared to have oved northward along the horizon in relation to where it had been before.

After watching this for probably a half an hour or so, I brought it to my mother’s attention.  She didn’t recall seeing it before either and she kept her eyes on it as did I.  Over the next half hour we both agreed that, yes, it was still moving north.  Now we were really intent on watching it.  It had progressed a little more than half way across the eastern horizon.  We watched and watched, not looking at anything else but it. And then it appeared to stop.  We continued to watch.  Minutes passed and no movement.  We were now up on our feet watching it.  We were alarmed by the lack of movement.  What could possibly stop dead in the sky?  There were no sounds and it seemed to still be very distant.

And then, from that dead stop, it made a sharp turn and was zooming directly toward us.  I felt that it was reading our minds… it knew we were watching it and it was coming to us.  As it zoomed in our direction, the light was getting brighter and bigger with still no sound emanating from it.  It was almost directly overhead!  Scared, I took off and ran toward the house.  I could hear my mother’s footsteps  following me.  We reached the back door and ran into the kitchen and locked the door behind us. (I don’t know why we bothered to do that because we knew that if “they” wanted to get in, a locked door wouldn’t stop them).  We were afraid to look out the windows for fear something would be looking in.  We discussed this episode quite often in later years and wondered if we had lost any time that night… had we beeen abducted? We couldn’t recall losing time and we had no evidence that we were abducted.  But 50+ years later I’m still thinking about it.

This was a telepathic encounter of the most basic kind.  They read our minds.  They knew we were looking at them and we knew they were looking at us.

I’ve read many instances of telepathic communication beyond this.  Communication of actual thoughts. 

Have you had any such experiences?

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