Archive for February, 2012


Rh Negatives, Telepathy and Extraterrestrials

I’ve described elsewhere in this blog my UFO sighting decades ago when I was a teenager. My mother was with me that summer night as we watched a very dim light on the eastern horizon making a slow and almost imperceptible track toward the north. For many minutes we followed the movement of this object…two Rh negative women transfixed on it. And then it stopped. Just stopped. I felt that “they” must have picked up on our thought waves. We stood there watching and waiting. And suddenly it started zooming in our direction. Petrified, we ran inside. Had they picked up on our thoughts? My mother and I felt certain they had. I still believe this.

Have any of you Rh negatives out there reading this had telepathic experiences, either extraterrestrial or otherwise?

A recent news article about President Eisenhower meeting with aliens started me thinking about telepathy recently. Supposedly the meetings with the aliens were arranged through telepathic messages. See the following:


Have You Heard It?

A couple of weeks ago I went outside to feed the birds.  It was early afternoon, the day was clear but windy.  I stepped outside and immediately heard a sound that I had never heard before.  It is hard to describe it.  The best I can do is to say it sounded like a rhythmic, mechanical whooshing sound…whoosh…whoosh…whoosh.  It was relatively loud and seemed to be coming from everwhere. 

I looked up at the sky because I thought maybe an airplane was flying overhead and the wind was somehow pushing the sound of the engine down to earth in waves.  There was no plane in sight.  The sound remained constant for the several minutes I was outside.  I thought that it sounded like what I would imagine a wind turbine sounded like, although I have never actually heard one and there are none near me.

The sound was eerie and unsettling.  I quickly filled up the birdfeeders and went back inside.  I could not hear the sound once inside the house.  As I thought about it more, I thought that it almost sounded like a heart pumping blood…that rhythmic whoosh.

The following week I had a friend over and we went outside briefly and I could hear the same sound but this time it was much lower in volume, but definitely there.  I turned to my friend and asked “Do you hear that?”  He looked at me and said “Hear what?”  I said “That whooshing sound”.  He said he didn’t.  Now that really concerned me because this guy has incredible hearing; he can hear things I can’t.  Why could I hear it and he couldn’t?  Was it an Rh negative thing? 

Two days ago I was reading a blog which mentioned the eerie sounds being heard worldwide.  Well, this got my immediate attention.  What worldwide sounds?  Was it related to what I heard?  I did a search on the internet and sure enought there were reports of strange noises being heard around the world.  You Tube has many videos.  I listened to some but none were similar to what I heard.

Have any of you heard anything similar?  I’d love to hear from you if you have.

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